Friday, July 4, 2008

Miracle Whip & Food Coloring Anyone?

Even though it's a mess to clean up, I love seeing the cute funny things these two do every day. My life must have been so boring before I was a mom!


Chelsey and Brandt said...

Oh Megan that is so funny, but makes me want to gag at the same time. Well atleast he like miracle whip!

Diana said...

Your life wasnt boring before these two little boys came along Megan, remember . . . sleeping in, going to the bathroom without being interupted, having a long shower when you wanted to, having your clothes stay clean all day! But all these things will happen again and they grow so fast, so just enjoy the ride! Your doing a great job!
Love ya!

Blessed said...

OMG! The miracle whip is soo funny! That couldnt have tasted very good!