Friday, October 3, 2008

My Little Jabber-Jaw

Ok, so usually Kolby is an excellent sleeper and if he does wake up at all he pops his binkie back in and back to sleep he goes. So... last night I hear him yell, "Colt, Colt, bottoe (bottle), bottoe." I give him a few seconds and he yells, "Mommy, mommy," so then I can't ignore him and I go in, give him his binkie, snuggle his blanket on him and think he's back asleep. A few minutes later... same thing. I give him his binkie again and go back to bed. A few minutes later... same thing. Well, obviously he's not going back to sleep so I ask him if he wants to rock and of course he says yes. I start rocking him and he asks me to sing him "boons," his favorite balloon song. After only a few words of the song there is a noise outside and he immediately says, "Koda." Which is our dog and then, "kennel" and then, "peek." Knowing full well he would not let it rest until he got to peek at Koda in the kennel I opened the garage door and let him see the dog. Well, Colt's van sometimes beeps when a battery dies on one of his window tools and of course it was beeping last night and Kolby cannot stand to let it just beep without telling Colt about it and making him fix it so he kept saying, "beep, beep, Colt, Colt." Thankfully, and not thankfully, he soon spotted the deer Colt shot the night before hanging in our garage (very Wyoming-ish, I know) and freaked out about it too. He is VERY obsessed with "dee" and then began saying, "dee, hang it, cut it, dee" and anything else he could rattle off. I gave up on the rocking situation and decided to lay in Kyson's bed with him (since Kyson feels that our bed is his private little sleeping area most nights anyway). He wanted to jump on the bed, take things off the walls, and go see where Ky Ky and Daddy were. At this point I was kind of laughing to myself because he was sooo not tired and I could tell his little brain was going a million miles an hour trying to think of something else to say and do instead of going to bed. I was actually pretty entertained by him and I went in to tell Colt to come lay by him so he could listen to all the stuff he was saying but he didn't think it was as funny as I did and just kept on sleeping. Next, he sat straight up and said, "eggs, dinna, drink." I said, "Are you hungry?" Of course he said, "Yeah, Yeah." Not knowing if he really was hungry or just avoiding sleeping yet again I thought I should probably feed him or I would feel horrible if that was the reason he couldn't go to sleep. So, there I sat, feeding him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and glass of milk at two o'clock in the morning! I had no other options to make him go to sleep and I had filled up his tummy so I didn't feel guilty anymore so I layed him down in his crib, kicking and screaming. He cried for a few minutes and Colt went in and patted his back and gave him his binkie and what do you know- right to sleep! One more random thing he decided to go off on for a while also is that his binkie had a hair on it- this happened one time a very long time ago and he thinks there is a hair on it about every other time he takes it, just for something to say I believe. He just cracks me up lately, everything he learns and repeats and does and says! It would just be a whole lot better at noon or some other normal hour of the day!


Maclaine & Sara said...

He is talking so good! And he has the cutest personality too! :)

Chelsey and Brandt said...

Sounds like you were up last night like I was. I was up with Tracen too, he didnt want to go to sleep either but he wasnt happy he was crying most of the time I think he is cutting teeth. I guess next time we are up we should call each other atleast keep us entertained while the kids are up. Hopefully tonight is alot better for the both of us.

The Hills said...

First of all, it's freaking hilarious that he calls his Dad Colt. I love it.
Second of all, it's super sad that when we become mothers we basically kiss sleep goodbye. I don't know how we will survive-or how you survive, for that matter, with more than one little monkey to take care of. Good work. You deserve a medal.

Les said...

I haven't seen Kolby forever! I can't wait to hear all his new words! We're having a big work day Saturday and you guys are definitely invited--probably the next Saturday too, so come any, any time!!